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CSAC is participating in the upcoming Spring Job Fair hosted by the Department of Labor, on May 2.

CSAC's annual gathering and 65th anniversary celebration is May 23. Find out more & register here.

Save the date! Bocce Returns: Saturday, September 14, 2024. Details coming soon.

Find out about Interlude, CSAC's new mental health crisis alternative.

Why Being Selfish Actually Makes You Altruistic

Selfish has garnered a bad connotation in modern society— it can mean evil, greedy, narcissistic, egoistic and mean. So why would being selfish make you altruistic? Because there’s a difference between being self-focused and self-involved. Scheduling “me time” for the key factors below will make you more altruistic in your life.

You’ll be healthier—Strong physical health is essential for being altruistic because it encourages dopamine, a neurotransmitter which makes you happier. But, being healthy means being selfish. You need to take time for yourself to exercise, plan meals and cook them.

You’ll be happier—By being selfish with your time, you develop a better sense of who you are and become more self-aware. This breeds authenticity and positivity within yourself which makes you happier.

You’ll have better relationships—Being selfish in a relationship essential means setting boundaries and prioritizing. This becomes helpful when figuring out what you need in a lifelong partner: look for a partner that fills your needs (and vice versa) and you two will enjoy each other.

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